Sunday, October 12, 2008

PENDIDIKAN GRATIS : Antara Komitmen Peraturan Perundangan Dan Implementasi Kebijakan Rabu, 19 Maret 08

Teacher Solidarity for the improvement of education

Free education for the community is a logical kensicayaan. Education is free, usually means exempt students from all over the levies charged on the students.

Development of education have relatively good results as seen from the increase in the average duration of schooling and literacy rates of the population aged five years and above, and increased access and equity education services, marked by increased participation gross (APK) on all levels education and the enrollment rate (APS) in all age groups of school-age children. In order to expand access to education, in the last two years has made various efforts to improve participation in education at the same time reduce the gap between the standard of education through community groups, among others: the provision of education facilities and infrastructure to provide greater attention on the lagging regions. However, the increased participation in education still face some problems such as the number of school-age children, mainly from poor families who can not obtain education services because of the high cost of education for them.
Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah ( BAPPEDA ) Kota Tegal
Disampaikan pada Acara Paparan Pelaksanaan Program Gratis
tanggal 13 Maret 2008

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