Sunday, October 19, 2008

1966 CEART Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers-VII

Teacher Solidarity for the improvement of education

Employment and career

Entry into the teaching profession

38. In collaboration with teachers' organizations, policy governing recruitment into employment should be clearly defined at the appropriate level and rules should be established laying down the teachers' obligations and rights.
39. A probationary period on entry to teaching should be recognized both by teachers and by employers as the opportunity for the encouragement and helpful initiation of the entrant and for the establishment and maintenance of proper professional standards as well as the teacher's own development of his practical teaching proficiency. The normal duration of probation should be known in advance and the conditions for its satisfactory completion should be strictly related to professional competence. If the teacher is failing to complete his probation satisfactorily, he should be informed of the reasons and should have the right to make representations. Learn More

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