Sunday, October 19, 2008

1966 CEART Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers-V

Teacher Solidarity for the improvement of education

V. Preparation for the profession


11. Policy governing entry into preparation for teaching should rest on the need to provide society with an adequate supply of teachers who possess the necessary moral, intellectual and physical qualities and who have the required professional knowledge and skills.
12. To meet this need, educational authorities should provide adequate inducements to prepare for teaching and sufficient places in appropriate institutions.
13. Completion of an approved course in an appropriate teacher-preparation institution should be required of all persons entering the profession.
14. Admission to teacher preparation should be based on the completion of appropriate secondary education, and the evidence of the possession of personal qualities likely to help the persons concerned to become worthy members of the profession.
15. While the general standards for admission to teacher preparation should be maintained, persons who may lack some of the formal academic requirements for admission, but who possess valuable experience, particularly in technical and vocational fields, may be admitted.
16. Adequate grants or financial assistance should be available to students preparing for teaching to enable them to follow the courses provided and to live decently; as far as possible, the competent authorities should seek to establish a system of free teacher-preparation institutions.
17. Information concerning the opportunities and the grants or financial assistance for teacher preparation should be readily available to students and other persons who may wish to prepare for teaching.
18. text
1. Fair consideration should be given to the value of teacher-preparation programmes completed in other countries as establishing in whole or in part the right to practise teaching.
2. Steps should be taken with a view to achieving international recognition of teaching credentials conferring professional status in terms of standards agreed to internationally. Learn More

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