Thursday, August 28, 2008

August 2008

23-24 August 2008

Workshops and Rakerda DPD FGII West Java in Indonesia SEND successfully preparing the Management Period 2008-2012
Chairman: A. Cyclone H (FAGI Bandung)
Vice Chairman of 1: Ade Munajat (FG Sukabumi)
Vice-Chairman 2: A late Venus (FOGGAR Garut)
Vice Chairman 3: Dede Supendi (FAGI Potgietersrus)
Vice Chairman 4: Dede Permana (FTHSS Cirebon)
Secretary: Makmun (FOGGAR)
Deputy Secretary: Sintayati (FAGI Regency Bandung)
Treasurer: Nur Afiatin (FAGI Bandung)
Deputy Treasurer: Fitri (Teachers Unions Bogor)
and the field of human resources, information, Research & Development, Teachers' Welfare, Development and Cooperation Organization

Training of law and advocacy will be immediately implemented in West Java after audiensi with the Governor of West Java

National Seminar on Protection of Workers Professional Teachers
Speakers: Dr. Jamal (DPKB), Iwan Hermawan (DPP Secretary-General FGII) Dr. Asep Tapip (FAGI Bandung) Moderator: Yanti Sriyulianti (DPP Deputy Secretary-General FGII)
Reading the information and results of the seminar can be seen in Pikiran Rakyat, the newspaper long, and Jabar Tribune August 25 2008.

26 August 2008
Preparation of legal draft Law on National Education System test materials and the PP 47, PP 48.
Follow-up Plan
1. Applications submitted for testing materials prepared YLBHI
2. Preparation of legal draft Law on National Education System test materials by YLBHI
3. Preparation of legal draft of the regulation 47 and 48 by LBH Rose Sharon
4. Media tracking by the DPP and the victim FGII

The meeting will be held regularly every Tuesday at YLBHI

27 August 2008
Discussion of Education, "State Budget to promote the education of improving learning conditions for students and civil servants, teachers' working conditions"
Keynote Speaker: General Chairman of the DPP and FGII Rector Uhamka
ACTION PLAN Information:
1. Mapping and cost analysis for the UMP and Jamsostek subsidies for non-civil servants, teachers
2. Mapping and analysis of the cost of free school

The meeting will be held next Wednesday, 3 September 2008. Rector UHAMKA committed to include the Apstisi, Muhammadiyyah (1 million students), etc.

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