Monday, July 28, 2008

Sanctions for teachers victim UN

Letter for Municipal Bandung

Based on the decision of the mayor of Bandung Tax 862/kep.611-peg/2007, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd NIP 131 560 504 builder-grade class room IV / teacher coach a high school State 9 Bandung imposed discipline penalties are increased rank the form of delays during the 1 (one) year.

Giving the sanctions be on the "accusations" against Mr Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, has stated that the news spread that is not based on leaks since the first day of the National High School Exam / CMS / MA lesson years 2006-2007 causing concern among the students. The act stated above violate Article 2 letter b, c, f and l jo Article 3 letter G PP 30 1980 rules of discipline Civil Service.

According to our view:

1. That government intervention in determining the graduation of students because of UN policies and UASBN have their pedagogical rights of teachers and compromising the rights of children. A number of citizens to push the government to revise the regulation no. 19 years old, 2005 on National Education Standards, which become a source of controversy policy UN / UASBN not be ignored. Article about the government's authority to evaluate students' results in the form of UN and UASBN reap various controversies including the distribution of key answers that made misleading as various print and electronic media.
2. Various efforts to monitor the implementation of the UN by various professional organizations including the government not be used as input to improve the quality of education. But observers assessed the parties violate the norms of law and code of ethics officer
3. In Bandung, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, SPd is one of civil servants, teachers assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Education to Bandung to monitor the implementation of UN in 2007, appeared to intimidation, and even recommended by the minister to apply sanctions. Even based on the number of Komnas HAM 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 on 6 June 2008 to the minister, when the fact is correct, then reasonably suspected of human rights violations have occurred. Even the minister has been asked to take steps to clear the rights of Mr Iwan Hermawan protected and fulfilled. Education is not a recommendation to the National Commission on Human Rights when 341/RHS/MPN/2007 Tax Letter dated 18 June 2007 to the city government of Bandung
4. Based on the findings and results of the study answers key UN outstanding among the students automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. about to give a warning to the UN not to believe, because the results of studies are misleading as the key fed by the Pikiran Rakyat, 19 April 2007 and the Republika April 19, 2007).
5. Provision of sanctions against Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, is a clear violation of human rights and that the action pembungkaman not only critical voice against the teachers but also against activists Bandung education and other areas in Indonesia.
6. Furthermore the sanctions to automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd procedures violate the sanctions discipline civil servants. Violations of the disciplinary sanctions announced in the morning rally disciplinary National Day on Thursday July 14, 2008 at the Bandung city hall page). Mr Iwan Hermawan, Spd know of any sanctions against himself head of the school that follow the ceremony. Giving dispilin sanctions should be closed (Article 14 point 4 of Regulation PP 30/1980 discipline civil servants).
7. Provision of sanctions is to give a negative impact on the individuals and groups concerned with the education efforts critical to improve the national education system to comply with the mandate of the constitution the national unity.

So with this attitude we stated:
1. REJECT the sanctions to Mr Iwan Hermawan, SPd.
2. Demanding the government to the city of Bandung to cancel the sanctions
3. Demand to remove the government policy as the National Examination determines
4. Urged the government to open space to all parties to make efforts critical to the improvement of national education.

Bandung, 29 July 2008

Zamzam (08996933876)
secretary KPKB

Note; Lets send letter of protest an individual organs to the municipal government of Bandung. We continue to advocate complete

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