CHANGES Constitution
The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers
On Sunday, the date of thirteen years old in July of two thousand eight have been changes in the budget and basic household budget The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers in Congress III FGII in Makassar, South Sulawesi, which was attended by delegations from the organs FGII.
The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teacher (FGII)
Basic Act 1945 stipulates that every person has the right to freedom of association, assembly, opinion and expression., Are entitled to recognition, insurance, protection, legal certainty and a fair and equal treatment before the law, the right to work and get benefits and treatment a fair and reasonable in the working relationship.
Law No. 14 of 2005 of Teachers and Lecturers mandate that teachers in running the duty entitled to have freedom of association in professional organizations that are independent and a law that established and maintained by teachers to develop teachers' professionalism and authority to set and enforce a code of ethics teachers, provide legal assistance to teachers, provide protection to teachers, to do construction and development of the teaching profession and to promote national education.
Law Number 13 of 2003 on Employment and Law No. 21 Year 2000 About Unions also stipulates that each employee have the right to form and join trade unions.
In order to uphold the constitution and implement legislation that gives rights, obligations and strategic role to serve the function of teachers for the country to improve the life of the nation needed space for freedom of association in order to develop the professionalism of teachers, set and enforce a code of ethics teachers, to provide legal assistance to teachers, provide protection to teachers, guidance and conduct professional development of teachers and promote education on the national blessing mercy of God The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers with this set Constituton and Bylaws as follows:
Article 1
This organization called the The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers abbreviated FGII hereinafter called the federation
Article 2
Federation is declared on 17 January 2002 at the Tugu Proklamasi Jakarta, for a time not specified.
Article 3
Federation headquarters in the Capital City Country
Article 4
Federation based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
Article 5
Federation is the professional organization of teachers and / or teachers unions that are open, independent, collegial and non-Party Politics.
Article 6
Federation is the principle of solidarity among workers teachers and educators and other public service workers in Indonesia and around the world.
Article 7
Materialization of professional teachers who are able to encourage the education system is democratic, transparent, accountable, fair, dignified and with attention the development of science and technology, humanity and human rights.
Article 8
Mission federation include:
1. Increasing the principles of professionalism of teachers
2. Developing teachers' welfare
3. Applying the principles of democracy, transparency and justice
4. Develop attitude innovative, creative, critical and transformative
5. Developing science and technology
6. Providing humanitarian aid
7. Promoting freedom of professional teachers
8. Promoting equality, diversity and rejection of all forms of discrimination, especially for the policies and practices of education which social justice and the best interests of the child based on the universal declaration of human rights
9. Ensure equality between women and men in management and membership
Article 9
The Federation aims to:
1. Defend the rights of members;
2. Provide advocacy and protection to members
3. Improve the professionalism members;
4. Increasing the members in each of the education policies ranging from education level to the national level.
Sovereignty and MEMBERSHIP
Article 10
Sovereignty federation members are handled and implemented by Congress.
Article 11
Federation members consist of ordinary members, extraordinary members and members of the honor.
1. Teachers are ordinary members who work in the education system in Indonesia rally in organisasi-organisasi/Forum-forum Independent Teachers who are willing to comply voluntarily AD, ART and the principles of the Federation
2. Members are extraordinary young members / prospective teachers and educators who called on Article 1 point 5 and 6 UUSPN.
3. Member of honor is the organization or individual that has a commitment to education and has rendered to the Federation on the basis of recommendations from the Board Chairperson Center.
4. Mechanism membership will be further stipulated in the Bylaws and / or special rules.
Article 12
Each member of the rights and obligations run from the date accepted by the DPP or the date of the decision from the DPP unless stated loss of the rights of certain recommendations by the DPP on the DPD.
Article 13
Each member is entitled:
1. Obtaining the support of solidarity and protection
2. Committal
3. Selecting and selected in the congress, except for extraordinary members and members of honor
4. Eventually, each participating in the activities and programs FGII
5. Obtaining the award, decoration, decorate and others.
Article 14
Each member is obliged:
1. Comply with AD / ART
2. Maintaining the good name of honor and the honor of the Federation.
3. Starting work in accordance with the professional code of ethics teachers' Federation
4. Members pay dues
Organizational instruments
Article 15
1. Permusyawaratan type of federation is:
a. Meeting of the working-level branches (Rakercab) in the district / city
b. Meeting of the working areas (Rakerda) at the provincial level
c. Chairperson of the National Meeting (Rapimnas) at the national level
d. National Coordination Meeting (National Coordination Meeting) at the National
e. Congress
f. Extraordinary Congress
2. Rakercab set by dpc
3. Rakerda defined by the DPD
4. Rapimnas and the National Coordination Meeting set by DPP
5. The procedure Permusyawaratan further regulated in ART and / or confinement in the rules
Article 16
1. Congress is permusyawaratan members who have the highest power
2. Congress held once 4 years.
3. The agenda of the Congress at least include:
a. Accountability DPP previous report
b. Prepare and set the line of work program (GBPK) FGII
c. Prepare and set the AD / ART
d. Setting Management
Article 17
Participants in the congress
1. Participants consisting of the delegation, inspector, and the invitation.
2. Delegation members are entitled to represent the ordinary DPD and / or dpc and not lose the rights stated by the DPP on the recommendation DPD with a balanced representation between men and women.
3. Observers are exceptional members, prospective members and ordinary members who lost their rights as stated by the DPP delegation on the recommendation DPD.
4. Invitations are individuals or representatives of partner organizations FGII invited by the DPP
Article 18
1. Agency completeness Organization consists of:
a. Chairperson of the Board of Center at the national level;
b. Regional Chairperson of the Board (DPD) in the Province
c. Chairperson of the Board Branch (DPC) in the district / city
d. Assembly consideration Organization (MPO)
e. The Council of Advisers
f. Honorary Board of
g. Union Organizer
2. Chairperson of the Board of Managers Center consists of:
a. General Chairman
b. Heads
c. Secretary-General
d. Deputy secretary general
e. Treasurer Unum
f. Deputy Treasurer General
G. Department
3. Regional Chairperson of the Board of Managers at least consist of:
a. Chairman
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer
4. Branch Manager, the Chairperson of the Board at least comprises:
a. Chairman
b. Secretary
c. Treasurer
Article 19
The establishment of Management
1. Chairperson of the Board of Center was established by Congress
2. The procedure for the formation of DPP FGII specified in the Congress
3. DPD and dpc organisasi-organisasi/forum-forum formed by teachers in the region / city / district.
Article 20
Assembly consideration Organization (MPO)
1. MPO was established by Congress
2. MPO has a maximum of 17 people who represented the region
3. MPO work to give consideration to the DPP
Article 21
The Council of Advisers
1. Board of advisors was formed by Congress
2. Board of Advisors consists of people who experienced Teacher, education and / or keorganisasian
3. Board of advisors on the basis of experience working to provide various opinions / masukan. / consideration both requested and not requested.
Article 22
Code of ethics and dignity of the Board
1. Each member is obliged to comply with the code of ethics teachers' Federation
2. Code of Conduct contains the norms and ethics of the binding behavior of teachers in the implementation of the tasks profesionalism
3. Code of Conduct defined in the Congress.
4. Supervision of the implementation of the code of ethics made by the board of honor, assisted by the board.
Article 23
1. Honorary proposed by the Board of Congress and determined by DPP
2. Honorary Council of duty overseeing the implementation of the code of ethics by members of the profession
3. Honorary Board of authorities to provide recommendations for sanctions for violation of the Code of Conduct by members
4. The Council of Honorary can come from the Board of Advisers and the DPP FGII
5. Honorary Board of the Council of Honorary at the Central Level, at the provincial and district / city level.
6. The Council of Honorary at the provincial and district / city selected based on the Working Meeting of DPD and DPC.
7. The duties and authority of the Board and the number of Honorary further stipulated in the requirements.
Article 24
Honorary Council of the criteria
1. Have a high commitment to education and improving the professionalism of teachers
2. Understanding the diversity of real life conditions of teachers in Indonesia
3. Understanding the laws and regulations related to teachers and education.
4. Has a personality of high integrity and wise in taking the decision.
Article 25
The Mechanism
1. Board of honor at the central level proposed in Congress, was appointed and determined by the DPP
2. Board of honor at the local level and branch, and appointed by the proposed DPC and DPD, defined by DPP
Article 26
Working Mechanism of the Board of Honorary
1. Organize a meeting at least once in six months
2. Raising the head of the board of honor
3. Compulsory overseeing the implementation of the code of ethics teachers' federation with the DPP FGII
4. Providing recommendations sanctions for violation of the code of ethics by DPP members to the federation FGII
Article 27
Union Organizer
Everything associated with the Union organizer arranged in ART
Article 28
1. DPP FGII responsible to Congress
2. Management during the period devoted 4 years
3. Dpc responsible to the DPD
4. DPD responsible to the DPP
5. Each DPC and DPD in steps responsible for the report of activities to the central office or FGII reason why these activities are not or can not be implemented
6. Each DPC and DPD in steps responsible for the information of each activity, including regular reports and periodic reports organizations that can be distributed in the Congress FGII documentation and other useful
7. Each DPC and DPD have the responsibility to make each of its members understand the principles and decisions of DPP FGII and report any activity and / or results of DPP decision
8. Each DPC and DPD responsible for the secretariat to provide a clear
9. Each Member DPC through pay and DPD members decided in Congress or in certain cases decided by the DPP in accordance with the authority.
Article 29
1. Financial contribution from the Federation members and other businesses that are not valid and binding.
2. Plan Budget Revenue and Expenditure FGII prepared and determined by the DPP on the MPO.
3. Financial FGII audited annually by independent auditors defined by the DPP based on the results of National Coordination Meeting FGII.
4. Financial reports to become part of the DPP Accountability Report.
Article 30
Member fees
1. Member dues and fees amount specified in the Congress
2. About contribution in terms of payment set at the ART
Section X
Article 31
Symbol Organization
1. Pencil-shaped symbol of the mutual binding to one another, and pencil is derived from the four corners of the wind
2. Basic color blue symbol.
Article 32
Flag Organization
1. Basic color blue flag with the symbol and the white paper learner
2. Flag Organization sized 90 cm x 120 cm
Article 33
Changes in Budget Basics
Determination and Budget Policy Changes can only be done through a meeting of members of Congress
Article 34
Closing Conditions
1. It has not been set in the base budget will be determined in the Bylaws and regulations of the Federation other
2. Basic budget since this set.
Defined in Makassar, South Sulawesi
In Date: 13 July 2008
Chairperson of the Council
Burhanuddin Rakhbi, S.H.
Chief Secretary
Drs. Zainal Abidin
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