On the day of .............. date ........... November two thousand eight years have been changes in household budget Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers' Meeting in the Indonesian Council of the Head Center accordance with the mandate of Congress III FGII in Makassar, South Sulawesi, which was attended ... .. person delegation from the organs FGII (attendance list attached)
The Federation of Indonesian Independent Teachers (FGII)
Article 1
Revenue mechanism Member
1. Terms of the General Membership:
a. Indonesian citizen who run the function as teachers working in the education system in Indonesia or the educators who called on Article 1 point 5 and 6 UUSPN;
b. A commitment to promote national education through professional work as a teacher;
c. To apply by filling the registration form and a statement of compliance bylaw in writing and approved by the Internet and online
2. Dismissal of membership:
a. Stop running the job or profession as teachers as educators as set forth in Article 1 point 5 and 6 UUSPN His will on its own;
b. Be dismissed because it violates the bylaw and code of ethics;
c. Died.
3. Defense:
a. Each member recommended by the Board of Managers and the honor because of sanctions imposed for violation of votes bylaw and / or code of ethics entitled:
i. get an explanation of the results of the assessment are open;
ii. conduct of the defense;
b. Defense of steps undertaken by the appeal to the provincial and national level.
Article 2
1. Chairperson of the Board of Center (DPP) FGII implement Congress with the help of the DPD requirements as executors.
2. Implementing the congress organized and defined by the DPP.
3. Transport borne by each Participant members of Congress unless the levy sufficient to pay for transportation 1 men and 1 woman who became the official delegation from each DPD.
4. DPP trying to find funding from partners at least for the source of information on national seminars held during the congress.
5. Listing the names of candidates and the delegation has submitted to the DPP at the latest two weeks before the congress was held
6. Secretary-General to learn the list of candidates and define the delegation as the Congress delegation in accordance with the provisions in the bylaw FGII.
7. DPP authorities to invite the organization of national and international partners FGII in Congress.
8. Congress established order in the Congress.
9. Decisions legitimately if meets Congress regiment that has been set.
Article 3
Representation in Congress
1. Congress delegation is the messenger that has representation of men and women.
2. Representation of men and women carried proportionally berkesimbangan and follow the provisions as follows:
a. Each DPD send delegations 1 female and 1 male;
b. Dpc send a delegation every 1 female and 1 male and can be added:
i. 1 delegation for every 10 ordinary members who do not fulfill the obligations and rights as stated loss by ordinary members of the DPP recommendation DPD;
ii. At least 1 spotter men and 1 woman for all members of exceptional, prospective members and all members of a stated loss of rights as ordinary members of the DPP recommendation by the DPD.
Article 4
Extraordinary Congress
1. In certain circumstances can be implemented KLB
2. KLB can be implemented if:
a. More than half the DPP can not carry out the task properly;
b. DPP violated provisions of the organization;
c. Proposed by more than half the number of DPD
3. KLB held by the DPP, assisted by DPD that meet the requirements as executor.
Article 5
National Coordination Meeting
(National Coordination Meeting)
1. National Coordination Meeting at least once 2 years followed by DPP, MPO, the delegation DPD and dpc to implement the Coordination organization and work programs.
2. National Coordination Meeting can take decisions to complement the decisions made at the national level;
3. National Coordination Meeting decision is considered valid if decided by half the number of participants who were invited.
Article 6
Chairperson of the National Meeting
1. Rapimnas at least 1 year followed by the DPP, MPO, chairman and chief DPD dpc for socialization and synchronization policies to the DPP and DPD dpc.
2. Rapimnas can take decisions to complement the decisions made at the national level.
3. Rapimnas decision is considered valid if decided by half the number of participants who were invited.
Article 7
Meeting of the Regional Working
1. Rakerda conducted by the DPD at least 1 year for socialization and synchronization policies to the DPP and DPD dpc.
2. Rakerda can take decisions to complement the decisions made at the provincial level.
3. Rakerda held by the DPD with the DPP and invite dpc.
Article 8
Work Branch Meeting
1. Rakercab dpc implemented by at least 1 year to the DPP policy of socialization, and DPD dpc to members.
2. Rakercab can take decisions to complement the decisions made at the district / city level.
3. Rakercab held by dpc by DPD.
AGENCY organizational instruments
Article 9
Management DPP
1. Managers are usually members of chosen and appointed in the Congress
2. Terms of sitting:
a. Have a commitment to promote the organization;
b. Have basic knowledge about FGII;
c. Maintaining and have run in the code of ethics;
d. Comply bylaw and other applicable rules.
3. Rights management:
a. Set the organization in accordance with the bylaw and other regulations;
b. Represent members in the name of the organization or outside the court;
c. Arrange cooperation with other parties, pihjak accordance with the bylaw and other regulations.
4. Liabilities management:
a. Running decisions Congress
b. Comply bylaw and other regulations
c. Maintain and supervise the implementation of the code of ethics
d. Providing protection for members
5. Dismissal of Management:
a. Structure expired;
b. Disciplinary action;
c. Died.
6. Disciplinary action imposed to Member Manager of the form:
a. Warning
b. Dismissal of temporary
c. Dismissal
7. Warning
a. Warning action taken on the basis of considerations Meeting Manager each level of management members to the interests of the organization
b. Warning action taken against members of management because
i. Proven neglect of duties and authority that can contaminate the good name of the Federation
ii. Misapply property rights organization
iii. Disgraceful act that reducing the dignity of teachers and the Federation.
8. Dismissal of the Treasury, based on the decision of the Meeting which was held specifically for that are after as many as three (3) times, are still also repeat violations
9. Dismissal of members increase Treasury taken as a temporary stoppage because of the violation with the evidence convincing.
10. Dismissal of the action undertaken by the Federation Manager DPP Federation atar request DPD
11. Defense:
a. Managers are recommended by the MPO and the Council for the honor because of sanctions imposed votes violated bylaw and / or code of ethics entitled:
i. get an explanation of the results of the assessment are open;
ii. conduct of the defense;
b. Defense of steps undertaken by the appeal to the provincial and national level.
Article 10
Management Structure
A. DPP FGII structure consists of:
1. General Chairman
2. Heads
3. Secretary-General
4. Deputy Secretary General
5. Treasurer
6. Deputy Treasurer
7. Department:
a. Improving the Quality of Human Resources
b. Information and Communication
c. Research & Development
d. Legal Protection and Advocacy
e. Improving Teachers' Welfare
f. Cooperation between organizations and institutions
B. DPP tasks and authorities:
1. Implementing the decisions of Congress
2. Implementing the consolidation of the organization
3. Determine / define the rules of implementation that is not defined in the ART
4. Performing Rapimnas, National Coordination Meeting, Congress and KLB.
5. Accept, reject and dismiss members FGII
6. Establish links with other parties
7. Noting the suggestions and opinions MPO
8. Overseeing the implementation of the code of ethics
9. Noting opinion / entries / consideration of the board of advisors and members of the recommendations sanctions violate the code of ethics by the board of honor
10. Responsible to Congress.
D. Description of Work / duties and authorities:
1. General Chairman:
a. DPP coordinate their activities both into and out according to the bylaw and regulations.
b. For and on behalf of the DPP signed the letter DPP into and out
c. Leading meetings
d. Activities / legal action for and on behalf of the DPP both in or outside the court
e. Together with the DPP or the members themselves are fully responsible for Management Federation, for the purposes and objectives of the Federation
f. Running all actions related to the ownership restrictions organization with the authority to:
i. meminjam atau meminjamkan uang untuk dan atas nama organisasi
ii. approve the Plan Budget Revenue and Expenditure Federation and Financial Report submitted by the Secretariat General.
iii. DPP approval of the purchase or receive transfer of the property remains
iv. approval of the DPP to do with sales or other means renounce wealth and mengagunkan / encumber property DPP
G. Raising one or more as a representative or power by giving him power that is set in the Power of Attorney for certain acts that include:
i. The establishment of legal advocacy team
ii. And the establishment of cooperative business as an autonomous body FGII
iii. The act consistent with the other along the bylaw and other regulations.
h. Power of Attorney, as the recipient of the letter g in the DPP Secretary General Coordination
i. Raising and dismiss Executive / Staff DPP DPP activities that carry a day-to-day performance, considering the report from the General Secretariat
j. Entitled to receive financial reports regularly and at any time from the treasurer
k. Coordinate with the Honorary Council of the functions related to the DPP in the supervision of the implementation of the code of ethics
l. Coordinate with the Board of advisors associated with the development of capacity and professionalism organization
m. Coordinate with the MPO associated with the consolidation of the organization and a participatory, transparent and accountable.
2. Chairman:
a. Represent the general chairman for the consolidation and expansion of regional organizations in the area / region each
b. Together with the head of the general coordination and organization well into the exit
c. Joint chairman and general secretary general to lead meetings
d. Together with the head of the public to take decisions that are required in the technical organization run in accordance with the bylaw and other regulations
e. Coordinate with the head of the public
3. Secretary General / Deputy Secretary General (General Secretariat):
a. Coordinate their consolidation and expansion of the organization in all areas
b. Signing the letter into and out of DPP chairman if the public could;
c. Coordinate their operations departments;
d. Coordinating one or more of the power given by the head of public advocacy for the establishment of the legal team, and the establishment of cooperative or other act along with the bylaw and other regulations;
e. Joint chairman and general chairman to lead meetings
f. Together with the head of the public to take decisions that are required in the technical organization run in accordance with the bylaw and other regulations
G. Coordinate their fund-raising and the preparation budget organization well into the organization and out in the framework of consolidation and development of the organization;
h. Coordinate their management, administrative and financial offices
i. Coordinate their implementation of the administrative office staff DPP;
j. Implementing the Internal Audit Annual Financial Report Federation;
k. Conducting External Audit of the Federation before the Financial Report
l. Publish periodic financial reports on the approval of the Chief General;
m. In carrying out their duties in coordination with the head of the public.
4. Treasurer / Deputy Treasurer:
a. Checking Reports Financial Daily Transaksasi Federation organized by the Executive
b. Together with the secretariat general do pengalangan funds and the preparation of budget organizations;
c. Prepare monthly financial reports and to report to the General Secretariat;
d. Preparing materials needed in the process of internal and external financial;
e. Preparing materials, reports of financial
To Congress;
5. Improving the Department of Human Resources (HR):
a. Implement development programs mandated by Congress in accordance profession;
b. Prepare and implement training programs / workshops / seminars / discussions, etc. related to the development of the profession;
c. Organize cooperation with the various parties associated with the development of human resources members.
d. Loading the report of the program department and periodically during the final completion of Management.
e. Making a report of the program department and periodically during the final completion of Management.
6. The Ministry of Information and Communications (Infocom):
a. Implementing the program of work according to the mandate areas of Infocom Congress;
b. Assisting the Secretariat General to document the existence and menyosialisasikan Federation, the program of work and a number of achievements Federation and its members through various media publications;
c. Prepare and present reports department of the program and periodically during the final completion of the Secretariat General of Management.
7. Derpartemen Research and Development (R & D):
a. Implementing the program of work according to the mandate of R & D field of Congress;
b. Assisting the Secretariat General of mengordinir and documented research that can support the development program other departments;
c. Prepare and present reports department of the program and periodically during the final completion of the Secretariat General of Management.
8. Protection Department of Law and Advocacy (PHA):
a. Implementing the program of work according to the mandate areas of PHA Congress;
b. Assisting the Secretariat General of mengordinir protection law
And members of advocacy;
c. Prepare and deliver reports of the program
department and periodically during the final completion of the Secretariat General of Management.
9. Improving Teachers' Welfare Department (PKG):
a. Implementing the program of work according to the mandate areas of PKG Congress;
b. Mengordinir help the Secretariat General of the program increased teachers' welfare.
c. Prepare and deliver reports of the program
department and periodically during the final completion of the Secretariat General Management
10. Organization and the Ministry of Cooperation between the Board (OKaL):
a. Implementing the program of work according to the mandate of field OKaL Congress;
b. General Secretariat to help pioneer the cooperation between institutions related to the consolidation and development plan for the organization.
c. Prepare and deliver reports of the program
department and periodically during the final completion of the Secretariat General of Management.
E. Diverting Authorization Mechanism:
1. When the position of a head of an emptiness, then within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs, Sekertaris General to fill the vacancy until its General Chairman of the DPP in the next Congress or the Extraordinary Congress.
2. If by any one of the positions of all the chairmen of the Board of experienced central vacuum, in a period of thirty (30) days after the vacancy should be held to select the KLB Chairperson of the Board and the new Center for the DPP while the third managed by the representatives of DPD.
3. In the case of General Chairman is not present or could not because of any kind, it need not be proven to third parties, the Secretary General is authorized to act on behalf of the DPP and the approval of the Board chairmen Center
4. In the case of the Chairman and General Secretary general or could not attend because of any kind, it need not be proven to third parties, the three DPP members authorized to act on behalf of the DPP and the approval of the Board chairmen and central consideration MPO
Article 11
DPP Meeting
1. Meeting DPP can be done in the Office or in certain conditions can be in other places but the results are considered valid and binding.
2. DPP meeting can be held any time when deemed necessary both proposed by one or more members of DPP, or the written request from DPD half.
3. Invitation Meeting with the DPP submitted a letter by registered mail or delivered directly through the paper and other media to every member of the DPP gain of attendance at the latest three (3) days before the meeting was held, by not taking into account the date of invitation and the date of the meeting.
4. Invitation meeting that should include the event, date, time and place of meeting
5. A DPP members can be represented in the Meeting of DPP members only by the DPP on the other power of attorney
6. Meeting DPP is legitimate and entitled to take binding decisions if attended by the Chairman of the General or represent in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 ART letter D.
7. Meeting DPP decision should be taken based on the consensus for the agreement.
8. In the case of decisions based on consensus for the agreement is not reached, the decision was solely to the Chairman of the General or represent in accordance with the provisions of Article 10 letter D.
9. Each member of the DPP is entitled to present one (1) voice and additional one (1) vote for each other DPP members that she represented.
10. General Chairman of the DPP can take a decision without a valid meeting of DPP meeting provisions have been coordinated with two-thirds of DPP chairman and general sekretris and has been notified in writing via email or letter or just before the decision is set. Decisions taken with the way that have the same power with a legal decision taken in the meeting DPP meeting.
Directorate CABANG
Article 12
1. For the interests of the organization at the provincial / district / city FGII then formed the Regional Council Chairperson abbreviated DPD and the Chairperson of the Board of Branch abbreviated dpc;
2. DPD and DPC organisasi-organisasi/forum-forum formed by teachers who are in the province
3. Regional organizations which have not yet / teacher forum independent, the combination of a number of teachers from five schools from at least three districts and cities can establish a direct DPD FGII at the provincial level and the combination of the three schools can be formed directly on the level dpc FGII District / City
4. In areas that already have the organization / forum teachers can establish a direct DPD FGII at the provincial level and the level dpc FGII District / City with or without the name of the organization / forum of teachers and enable direct management of regional managers into FGII DPD and / or dpc FGII
5. If the area is more than one organization / forum of teachers, the organization / forum that teachers deliberation to establish DPD FGII management and / or dpc FGII together.
6. After the DPD and dpc formed, all organizations that are in the city district level rally into dpc and organizations that are in the provincial rally into the DPD
Article 13
Duties and authority
1. Menyosialisasikan, implement and mensikronisasi scope of the mandate of Congress to provincial / district / city;
2. Programs at the provincial / district / city adjusted in the bylaw and other regulations;
3. Rakerda to implement the DPD and Rakercab to dpc;
4. Implementing the agreement Regional (Musda) by the DPD and the agreement by dpc Branch;
5. Implementation Musda and Muscab for:
a. Program areas in their respective provinces, districts and cities;
b. Board of honor at the provincial / district / city
c. Assembly consideration Organization (MPO) and the Council of Advisers at the provincial / district / city
d. Select and assign management and DPD dpc
e. Setting rules for the regional organization in accordance with the bylaw Federation
6. In carrying out their duties and DPD dpc always coordinate with the DPP.
Article 14
Terms, duties and authority
1. Terms for the MPO members to be selected:
a. Regular members
b. Having knowledge about FGII
c. Understanding the bylaw rules and other FGII
d. A commitment to promote the organization
e. Proposed by the DPD
f. No dual positions with the DPP
G. Adopted in Congress
2. Duty and authority MPO:
a. Giving consideration to both DPP is not required or requested
b. KLB proposed the organization of measures on more than half
c. Organizing Coordination Meeting MPO at least once in a year
d. Raising a Coordinator and the members of the MPO
e. Approving the program proposed by the Federation of the DPP as the development of the Congress but not yet have the rules in the organization.
f. Each member of MPO required good faith and with full responsibility of running the duty to the interests of the Federation
G. Chairman of the MPO together - or separately, is authorized to take action on behalf of the MPO and
h. Can ask the DPP report on the activities that have been, are and will be implemented
i. If a member is required to communicate with the MPO after the head of the third and other MPO members entitled to perform the duties and authority of MPO.
j. Entitled to attend the meetings and the DPP congress
3. Dismissal of MPO members because:
a. Dies;
b. Violate the bylaw
c. The ending of the Management
4. Defense:
a. MPO members are recommended by the results of MPO meeting with DPP and / or recommendations to the Board of honor sanctions imposed because of votes violates the bylaw and / or code of ethics entitled:
i. get an explanation of the results of the assessment are open;
ii. conduct of the defense;
b. Defense of steps undertaken by the appeal to the provincial and national level.
Article 15
MPO meeting
1. MPO meeting can be held each time the suggestion by one or more members of MPO, or on the written request from third of DPP members.
2. MPO meeting invitation made by the MPO members are entitled to represent the MPO.
3. MPO meeting invitation should be submitted by registered letter or by letter that was delivered directly through the paper and other media invitations to each member of MPO with a statement of attendance at the latest three (3) days before the meeting was held, by not taking into account the date of invitation and the date of the meeting
4. Invitation meeting that should include the event, date, time and place of meeting
5. MPO meeting held in the seat or place of the Federation.
6. In case the chairman can not attend or be with the causes and reasons for any meeting, the MPO will be led by a member of the MPO selected by and from members of the MPO present
7. A member of the MPO can be represented only by the Meeting of MPO other MPO members based on proxy
8. MPO meeting is legitimate and entitled to take binding decisions when half of the amount of MPO present or represented in the meeting.
9. MPO meeting decisions must be taken by consensus for the agreement. In the case of decisions based on consensus for the agreement is not reached, the decision taken by voice vote agreed on more than half of the total valid votes issued in the meeting.
10. In the case of voice agree or not agree with many, the proposed deemed rejected unless the people themselves do with the sweepstakes:
a. Each member of the MPO present entitled to one (1) voice and additional one (1) vote for each other MPO members that she represented.
b. Balloting is done about people with voice mail without a signature, while the vote on other matters unless done with oral Chairman of the Meeting decide that there is no other objection to the present.
c. Voters blank and invalid votes are not considered and would not be counted in determining the amount of sound issued
11. Chairman of the MPO can take a decision without a valid meeting MPO after consultation with half the members. Decisions taken with the way that have the same strength with the decision taken by legitimate in the MPO Meeting.
Article 16
Terms, the duties and authority of MPO to the provincial / district / city adjust to the MPO at the national level
Advisory board of
Article 17
1. Terms for the elected council members as advisors:
a. Experienced in the field of Teacher, education and / or keorganisasian
b. A commitment to improve and promote education and the Federation;
c. Have the understanding of the federation;
d. Can act as the board of honor;
e. Chosen or proposed by Congress.
2. The duties and authority of the board of advisors:
a. Providing a variety of opinions / masukan. / consideration to the DPP asked whether or not requested, particularly in the field Teacher, education and keorganisasian;
b. Raising a chairman of the board members and advisors;
c. Meeting periodically;
d. Maximum totaling 9;
e. Can ask the DPP report on the activities that have been, are and will be implemented
f. Entitled to attend the meetings and the DPP congress
3. Dismissal of members of the board of advisors because:
a. Dies;
b. Raise secession;
c. The ending of the Management.
Article 18
Union organizer appointed to the development of the network in the framework of strengthening the organization and development of professionalism of members.
Article 19
1. Conditions to be appointed as a Union Organizer:
a. A commitment to promote the organization;
b. Have the academic background and adequate understanding of the broad about the organization, bylaw FGII and professionalism of teachers
c. Proposed by the Chairman of the consideration of the Heads of
d. Appointed by DPP meeting
2. Duties and authorities:
a. DPP to help develop a network of organizations
b. General Chairman of help expand the program professionalism
c. General Secretariat to help develop the media communication between fellow managers in the various regions
d. Working under the coordination of the Chief General
e. Reports periodically to the Chairman of the General or the Secretary General
3. Dismissal of members of Union Organizer because:
a. The expiration of the tasks;
b. DPP dismissed the meeting;
c. Died.
Article 20
1. Federation of the year running from the date of one (1) January to 31 (thirty-one) in December and the end of December each year the Federation closed.
2. In the time at the latest 5 (five) months after the books closed Federation, DPP prepares annual reports in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to the ditandangani by the Chairman and Treasurer General submitted to the DPP meeting. The annual report must have been provided at the Federation office at the latest 14 (fourteen) days before the special meeting held by the DPP to it, to get authentication.
3. If something because of any meeting so that the DPP planned to report on the annual confirmation of the federation peengesahan can prompt approval by heads the DPP can be done through printed reports sent by post or through electronic mail.
Article 21
1. Financial organizations obtained from:
a. Member dues
b. Businesses and others who are not legally binding
2. Members of defined contribution as follows:
a. Rp 12.000/orang/tahun paid to DPP
b. Rp 12.000/orang/tahun paid to the DPD
c. Each organ or dpc FGII and can determine the amount of contribution each plan based on the Budget Revenue and Expenditure for the Year respectively.
3. Contribution to DPP members and DPD paid to the official account FGII by members or through the organ or dpc where members of the work.
Article 22
Terms of Payment of fee
1. Members paid dues at the latest month of March every year.
2. DPP can provide the size of the reduction in fees at any time to members in certain circumstances if the members can not meet the financial obligations fully.
3. DPP can provide suspension of payment in whole or in part payment of dues members in certain circumstances.
4. All applications that help members of the reduction or suspension of payments was delivered to the Secretary General with a detailed and must be received before March every year.
5. Members who do not pay until July of the year running because of reasons that can not be accountable or not assistance reduction or suspension of payments recorded as a permanent member but lose the rights as a member until payment is fully implemented
6. Member of the rights referred to in paragraph (5) above are:
a. Participation in the program of education and training, advocacy and protection and Coordination FGII
b. Being a delegation on behalf of the DPD in Congress
Article 23
Financial Administration System
1. Federation of Financial Administration System based on the principles of transparency, fairness and responsibility
2. Financial Administration System is set in accordance with the Financial Administration system that applies in Indonesia
Article 24
Shopping Federation
1. Plan Budget Revenue and Expenditure for the Federation prepared based on the Line of Work Program Federation
2. Plan Budget Revenue and Expenditure Federation defined in the DPP Meeting every year.
3. Shopping Federation, at least include:
a. Direct Personnel spending as much 10% of Budget Revenue and Expenditure Federation.
b. Expenditure Program of Education and Training managers and members of at least 20% of Budget Revenue and Expenditure Federation
c. Direct spending on other Non-Personnel.
Article 25
Dana Abadi
1. A fund of funds that are collected by the Federation to maintain the sustainability of the Federation in function to defend, protect and improve the welfare of members.
2. As above DPP MPO can use some funds Abadi accordance with the duties and authority as stipulated in Articles of Association and Bylaws for the Federation can provide added value, or at least be able to recover all funds eternal used before the end of Management
3. Eternal source of funds:
a. solidarity fund from members
b. assistance or other contributions that are not binding
c. for the rest of the business results of Cooperatives and other autonomous bodies under the DPP Secretary General Coordination.
Section X
Article 26
Lines of activities based on the Program of Work Federation
Article 27
Determination and ART changes can only be done by members of Congress through
Article 28
1. Things that are not regulated in the ART will be specified in the regulations of the organization
2. Bylaws of this effect since the date set
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
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