Thursday, September 18, 2008

September 2008

Advocacy-to push the government to restore the beautiful world of learning for children with free education and journalism teachers continue to be implemented FGII. Today Mr. Iwan Hermawan, Mr. Secretary General FGII with typhoons, Chairman of the DPD FGII West Java, PGRI, 10 members of the local parliament and head of Bandung City Education Office of Bandung to meet the minister. Pak Iwan, Pak Suparman and I alternately sms to provide support by inviting the media and the articles of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights, International Covenant on the Rights EKosob and ratifikasinya Law No. 11 of 2006, Law No. 23 of 2002 on Copyright Protection Children, Law No 20 of 2005 on National Education System, Covenant Children's Rights and the 1945 Constitution and amandemennya the basis of this advocacy. Arrival FGII, PGRI, Larry Hama and the head of the Office of Education Bandung terakit with the prohibition charges to parents for incentives for teachers. In dasranya all agree on the importance of efforts to encourage the government to meet the rights of the child education.
- We track the RPP Teacher version on August 11 that the lack of page 35-48 to PMPTK. PMPTK staff also appeared to have the same hardcopy. They suggest that we meet the team for the Bill / Balitbang RPP in the Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. We get a version of the Draft Regulation on September 11 that have entered the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
- We find the PSI to fill and submit the form affiliates. Mas Supiarso, project officer of PSI provides fotokopinya. Darlina come Farkes managers that the council will hold a meeting in ACILS. We also follow Darlina to ACILS bersilaturrahmi at the same time ask for support Farkes to recommend acceptance to the PSI FGII affiliates on behalf of the NCC. Previously we have Mas Puthut ACILS above suggestions Darlina to ask for assistance ACILS provide the source of information and advocacy where the training budget and the PKB. Just Mas Puthut welcomes the idea and asked us to send the TOR activity as soon as possible. Manager FARKES gladly welcome as manager of SP and SP PT PLN Space Puara I who we met in Bangkok some time ago.
- While waiting to chat about the plan Judicial Review of Law Teachers Lecturers dab in the KBR 68H, we meet the invitation of Mr. Utomo Dananjaya bersma to open in the chamber reboan in Casablanca Mansion. Right at 18:15 we slide into Utan Kayu. Chat tonight strengthen advocacy efforts for non-teacher civil servants.

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