Sunday, October 19, 2008

1966 CEART Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers_IX

Teacher Solidarity for the improvement of education

Sick leave and maternity leave
101 text

1. Teachers should be entitled to sick leave with pay
2. In determining the period during which full or partial pay shall be payable, account should be taken of cases in which it is necessary for teachers to be isolated from pupils for long periods.

102 Effect should be given to the standards laid down by the International Labour Organisation in the field of maternity protection, and in particular the Maternity Protection Convention, 1919, and the. Maternity Protection Convention (Revised), 1952, as well as to the standards referred to in paragraph 126 of this Recommendation.
103 Women teachers with children should be encouraged to remain in the service by such measures as enabling them, at their request, to take additional unpaid leave of up to one year after childbirth without loss of employment, all rights resulting from employment being fully safeguarded.

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