Monday, September 8, 2008



In an effort to realize this goal for the Federation (1) The Struggle for the rights of members, (2) Provide advocacy and protection to members, (3) Improve the professionalism of members, (4) Increasing the members in each of the education policies ranging from education to the level of unit the national level.
DPP FGII has been a long time to establish a cooperative form of business.

Is Mr. Suparman, chief general DPP FGII the first launch this challenge immediately greeted by Mr. Badarudin, Chairman of the DPP FGII from the NAD then followed up in several DPP FGII meeting in Jakarta attended by the DPP FGII in Jakarta and Mr. Soni.

This cooperative plan will be established in early May 2008 at 0 km, the Indonesian city of Sabang Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, along with the plan Rakerda DPD NAD. Because of various considerations, proposed to be concentrated in Jakarta. Mr. Soni provide for the self-starting the establishment of this cooperative. However, because there is no clarity development, Mr. Suparman ask FGII DPP deputy Secretary General, Mrs. Yanti to prepare for the establishment of cooperative FGII meeting on 10 September 2008.

Based on the law. 25 Year 1992 on Cooperative Government Regulation No. 4 / 1994 on the requirements and the establishment and Budget Policy Changes Regulation of the Minister of Cooperatives and the number 01 Year 2006 Guidance on Implementation of the Establishment, of the Founding Act and the Fiscal Policy Changes Koperas, suggested that before establish cooperatives, should be preceded with the socialization of the Cooperative to selurh members FGII especially DPP FGII who want to establish cooperative is to understand the Cooperative, so that members of the cooperative later truly understand the values and principles of cooperatives and understand the rights and obligations as members of cooperatives.

Some of the materials needed for the establishment of cooperative FGII is as follows:
1. Cooperatives Act of FGII
2. News Events of the meeting signed by the chairman and secretary meeting
3. Letter to overlook the power of notary
4. Photocopy the founder of ID (at least 20 members)
5. Proof deposited (of capital)
6. Managers and Supervisors Structure
7. Plan business activities of cooperatives at least the next 3 years
8. For the Primary Cooperative General:
a. Level Province, a minimum capital of Rp 15,000,000
b. National level, a minimum capital of Rp 100,000,000
c. For Saving and Credit Cooperatives, a minimum capital of Rp 150,000,000
9. All Managers and Supervisors must make:
a. SKKB from local police
b. Listing biography
c. Inventory list of office
Donations initial working capital of at least Rp 3,000,000 in the form of uniform SP FGII provided by Mr. Suparman to change the loan preparation activities Meeting Congress III FGII in Yogyakarta to Balikpapan managers pgs. The initial capital for the Primary Cooperative General National level needed to Rp 150,000,000. Commitment required all managers DPP FGII to provide the initial capital Cooperative evenly.
1. Based on the results of the congress III in 2008 there are 38 names listed in the DPP FGII. If no additional names and the DPP FGII or without additional members of the founders of the Cooperative FGII DPD FGII that have been formed and FGII organs or any other person charged capital of the cooperative FGII Rp 150,000,000: 38 people rounded = Rp 3,947,369 to Rp 3,950 .000. The initial capital is the main savings, compulsory savings two years paid in advance and voluntary savings with details as follows: (tentatively)
a. Savings principal Rp 500,000
b. Compulsory savings of Rp 50.000/bulan
c. Voluntary savings of Rp 2,250,000
2. Based on the ability of the maximum that can be submitted to, proposed by Mr. Suparman Rp 1.500.000/orang covered by the 100 members FGII with the following details: (tentantif)
a. Savings principal Rp 500,000
b. Compulsory savings of Rp 50.000/bulan during the first 6 months
c. Voluntary savings of Rp 700,000
This cooperative plan will be to Notables who have the authority to make a deed of the cooperative according to government regulations on the establishment of a cooperative.

Why Establish cooperative?

The notion of Cooperatives have long appeared in the National Coordination meeting since 2007. News about the large number of sloping land in the cooperative management of water that is often misused by the DPP FGII encourage managers to menkaji more about the laws of Cooperatives in Indonesia. The success of Cooperatives Teachers in Jakarta, which have billions of rupiah assets, BMT cooperatives in Central Java and other cooperatives in Indonesia to be considered feasible materialize FGII as a cooperative effort in providing real protection for workers the teaching profession.

Formation of the Cooperative Agenda
1. All the managers DPP and DPD FGII can participate directly in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation plan to establish cooperative FGII via email as a communication tool cheaper and faster dissemination plan for the establishment of cooperative FGII
2. Legislation and the establishment of the cooperative form of a founder of the Cooperative FGII will be sent from an email to email: on 8 September 2008
3. As a form of the founders of the council and can be DPD or organs FGII demand
4. Of the form is signed and labeled DPD and FGII organs or sent via fax to 021-5221457. Original form via a letter sent to the secretariat of the DPP FGII Utomo Dananjaya Office Wisma-Kodel lt.11 Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav B4 Bangkok 12920 South happiness / fax: 021-5222318/5221457 at the latest date of 10 September 2008 (local postmark)
5. Meeting to prepare the establishment of cooperative FGII held on 10 September 2008 hp. 16.00-17.30 at the secretariat with the DPP FGII agenda following:
• Preparation of draft bylaw Cooperative FGII
• The collection of candidates for the founder of Cooperative FGII
• Study of the determination of the initial capital based on the number of candidates who expressed the founder in writing via fax
• Determining the schedule and the preparation of the meeting the establishment of cooperative FGII
• Study the form of cooperative business, the business plan, and the initial balance sheet based on similar cooperative activities, interests and economic needs of its members. For example, Saving and Credit Cooperatives (KSP), Consumer Cooperatives, Cooperative Producers, Cooperatives and Marketing Cooperative Services.
6. Delivery Office invitation to the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium in Jakarta to help smooth the way for the meeting and give directives as necessary.
7. Preparation of materials meeting the establishment of cooperative FGII
8. Implementation of the meeting which was attended by the founders of this in the News and Events Meeting Forming Founding Act, which contains the Budget Basics Cooperative.
of the Corporation
1. The founder of the cooperative to apply for legalization of deeds in writing to the office, attaching:

 2 (two) copies of the deeds of one of the cooperative bermaterai enough (dilampiri Budget Basics Cooperative).
 News Events Meeting Forming.
 Letter of evidence for the capital.
 Plan initial business activities.

2. Founding Act ratifying the application to the Head Office of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium South Jakarta, Jakarta Province, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium (Center) may authorize the establishment of the Cooperative Secondary members based in some provinces / AT.

3. In the case of ratification may request the establishment disapproved, the reason for rejection to be notified by the Office of the founders in writing within maximum 3 (three) months after receipt of the request.
4. Rejection of the ratification of the founder of the Deed can submit a request back in time at the longest one (1) months from receipt of rejection.
5. Decisions on demand back in the time period given the long one (1) months since the proposal received a request back.
6. Ratification of the establishment may be given within a period not longer than three (3) months after confirmation of receipt of the request.
7. Ratification of the establishment may be announced in the News of the Republic of Indonesia

Revenue Member

For those who want to become a member of the founder members are the subject of the obligations as follows:

Savings basic: Rp. 500000
Compulsory savings: Rp. 50,000 per month
Voluntary savings: depending on the willingness of members

The main savings and compulsory savings can only be withdrawn at the exit from the cooperative membership. Meanwhile, voluntary savings can be withdrawn at any time. Voluntary savings will earn interest in the amount of savings still to be determined in accordance with the bylaw.

Revenue membership is closed to members FGII. Based on data on the number of members who submitted FGII organs in the year 2007, there were 173,100 members FGII in 21 provinces throughout Indonesia. Projected revenue members until the year 2012 or before Congress FGII-IV to be implemented as much as 25% of members of Congress before FGII III or as many as 43,275 people have effectively become a cooperative member FGII at least 2 years kenggotaan.


Saving and Loans will be implemented immediately after the Cooperative FGII formed. Proposed loan ceiling of Rp 10,000,000 and start in the Meeting of the Chairperson of the National DPP FGII November 2008 in Yogyakarta. This loan ceiling will be increased each year based on the decision of Annual Meeting of Members.

In addition to business loans station, other types of business will be conducted based on the decision of Management Cooperative Annual Meeting of Members. Sales SP FGII uniforms (shirts, shirts, jackets, pins, hats), FGII pocket books, CDs FGII activities, etc. will be a pioneering effort in addition to savings and loans.
More information about the business plan FGII Cooperative can be obtained at

Benefit Cooperative FGII

Each member of the members meet the obligations in accordance with the bylaw Cooperative FGII will receive:
1. More than 25% of Remaining Results Business Clean Cooperative FGII will be distributed to each member based on the principal amount of savings and compulsory savings that have been paid all the revenue is divided Cooperatives
2. More than 5% Remaining Results Business Clean Cooperative FGII will be allocated for the payment of dues members and solidarity FGII PSI every year and begin the second year from the date of receipt of all members of the cooperative FGII
3. Priority lending in the Saving and Loans each year
4. Special provisions for the marketing of goods and services sold through the cooperative members FGII
5. Special discounts for each type of goods or services sold by cooperative FGII.
6. Voluntary Special Savings will get results for the benefit of every type of business conducted by the Cooperative. The calculation for the results will be regulated based on the detailed results of Member Annual meeting.

Indicators Health Cooperative FGII
Based on Permenkopukm RI 06/Per/M.KUKM/V2006 No rating on Guidelines Cooperatives taken, then proposed several indicators of the health cooperative FGII
1. Aspect Organization
a. Principal repayment Savings: 100% members of the cooperative received FGII settle the principal savings in the current year revenues member ybs
b. Repayment Compulsory Savings: 100% members of the cooperative received FGII settle the compulsory savings in the current year revenues member ybs
c. Member Annual Meeting held in March at the latest each year and followed by at least 51% members of the cooperative FGII
d. The entire plan (RK) and budget (RAPB) Cooperative FGII passed RAT conducted in accordance with the plan
e. Projected number of members increased 10% annually
f. Education and Training program for the Member and Manager (Managers, Supervisors and Employees) Cooperative conducted entirely in accordance with the Plan of Activities anggaraan Special funds for education and Shu from the previous year
G. Written inspection reports and complete internal conducted by the supervisors and external by the NAC / KJA
h. Report KPA / KJA fair without notes
2. Laksana aspects Governance and Management
a. All the members recorded in the Book Member List, which will be provided online to facilitate communication
b. The realization of budget revenue, expenditure and the results of the business 100% according to plan
c. Business managed cooperative> 100% related to the business members. Therefore initiation stage, savings and loans and making seragan SP FGII a priority
d. Lighting and the extension will be implemented and The systematic and priority to reach areas by most members
e. Media information early stage using the email password: federation and RAT decided until the creation of independent sites and other communications or media such as journals / bulletins / magazine / tabloids
f. RAT decided until other, the cooperative FGII secretariat is located in the DPP FGII
3. Aspect Productivity
a. Remaining Results Business = 21% of the capital in the current year and will increase by 1% every year except to set another RAT
b. Return on Assets (ROA) is the comparison with Shu Asset cooperative in the current year. Shu at least 10% of the Asset Cooperatives can be achieved in 2009 and increased every year
c. Asset Turn Over (ATO) is the comparison that the volume of business assets acquired with cooperatives in the years running. 2009 target of 3.5 times the volume of business assets and increased every year
d. Net Profit Margin there; ah comparison between the results obtained with the business of the gross income of cooperatives in the years running. Shu 2009 15% of the sales or income, and increased each year
e. Current Ratio is the ratio between assets smoothly with the short-term obligations. Assets smoothly 200% - 250% of the liabilities smoothly each year
f. Total debt (liabilities) assets of not less than 40% annually
G. Total Debt (liabilities) of the capital do not own more than 70% annually
h. Business transactions with the Cooperative Business Member of at least 90% per year
i. Receivables rotation is calculated based on sales of receivables average of not less than 12% ½ receivable balance (the previous year plus years running)
4. Aspects of the benefits and impact
a. Business cooperation with the vertical business cooperatives and other agencies in 2009 each of 3 partners and increase 1 new cooperatives every year to improve efficiency and service to cooperative members. Planned to build partnerships with the Unions PLN States and other workers who have been affiliated with the Public Service International
b. Experienced workers needed to prepare a report on accounting and financial, tax and social relations to help managers. The absorption of labor will be increased in line with the increased volume of business cooperation.
i. Business volume <500 million people will be recruited 3-5 employees
ii. The business volume of 500 million - 1 F 5-10 employees will be recruited
iii. The business volume of> 1 M will be recruited a director and 20 employees in accordance with the needs of working professionals who are needed for the business, which was passed in the RAT
c. Payment of tax, customs and retribution or implemented on time every year
d. Funds social disisihkan Results from the remaining business and proposed to:
i. Membership fee payment FGII Member Cooperatives FGII start in 2010
ii. A fund for social security for members who require in the form of a loan without the results
iii. Fellow workers solidarity fund other professions.

This proposal is discussed in the meeting at Wisma Kodel General and the Chairman of the DPP submitted FGII via telephone to all the organs of the head FGII and FGII in 21 provinces. Only a few are not responding. Hampur selurhnya welcomes the idea and hopes Cooperative FGII can run in a professional and sustainable.

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