Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Advocacy Mr Iwan

Independent Teachers,

As always, is to get help solidarity against Mr. Iwan. Yesterday via sms, Mr. Nelson jovit commission monitoring of Komnasham ready to receive Mr. Iwan hp et al. 13.00-15.00. Somewhat worried because Mr. Nicholas received, Larry Hama pk.10.00 jovit only when they have time to pk.14.
I was, however, the head junior Bhakti archipelago where I work is ready to support even deign to attend to learn about the protection for the teaching profession. Pk. 10:30 after no sms to all HP colleagues and the media advocacy rights of the definitions of education, I have been ready to fax a letter from kodel to invite the media in writing. Pk.11.30 several successful media difax, Mr. Iwan school teacher was transferred 9 Bandung. Pak arrived at the home Suparman Kodel pk.11.45 from SMAN 17 Jakarta, place to work. After preparing the materials, we go Komnasham. Before I go Suparman call Ombudsman Commission to receive complaints Pak Iwan.

In fact, there have been Boy Fredo, a friend from Garut, founder of MTs and vocational agriculture Sururon. Pak Suparman find a copy of the officer while waiting jovit Pak ready to receive us. Esther Kompas Warta Kota Intan and the present simultaneously followed by Robert S. representing the LBH Jakarta. Pak Iwan somewhat hampered because the roads forget. Pk. 13:30 audiensi starts. Present at the meeting is Mr. Nicholas, Pasundan Bandung teachers, school teachers 9 Bandung, Pak Suparman, Kepsek junior Bhakti Nusantara, I, Esther, Intan, journalists KBR 68H, Supriyono SGJ 2 other journalists, Mr. Dali LKBH PGRI, Mr. Amir-LAP , Laksono LBH-Education, Tetty-FGII, Mother Isneti-Labschool former teacher, and Mr. jovit period.

Pak jovit committed to setting up a panel of teachers, assistants, office related to equate perceptions about alleged human rights violations in the case of Mr. Iwan. friends KAMG through Resita, is not prepared to jointly strengthen protection for the teaching profession associated with the UN policy. Commitment komnasham greeted enthusiastically, especially to ensure batalnya decision that the mayor of Bandung menjatuhnkan sanctions disciplinary sanctions are to Mr. Iwan. Prof.. Dr. Winarno call Pak Suparman to convey support for the advocacy cases Pak Iwan, he also provides a special time to meet Mr. Iwan et al is your new event in Bandung. Darmaningtyas answer my sms with the encouragement to continue the struggle until I get justice here.

From the National Commission on Human Rights to go to our Ombudsman to maladministrasi report suspected in the decision. There we received by Rachel Oki and Pak Dominikus. All the attachment file complaints were in accordance with the letter of complaint formulated in the Ombudsman Commission jl. Adityawarman, Block M. Pk. 17:30 Sir Nicholas back to Bandung, et al.

Pak Suparman and I plan to discuss follow-up to this advocacy. There are problems the e-book, the PP Funding, and the process of appeal against the decision to win the Citizen Law Suit claim in the case of UN 2006. Need to search a red thread to all these issues can be. Pak Suparman proposal is fair discussion about education for all citizens. How, according to friends of teachers?


1 comment:

GURU said...

Buaty Pak Iwan Maju Terus!! Pantang Mundur!! Buat Bu Yanti Wasekjen DPP FGII salut! karena lengkap laporannya. Met berjuang!!