Independent Teachers,
As always, is to get help solidarity against Mr. Iwan. Yesterday via sms, Mr. Nelson jovit commission monitoring of Komnasham ready to receive Mr. Iwan hp et al. 13.00-15.00. Somewhat worried because Mr. Nicholas received, Larry Hama pk.10.00 jovit only when they have time to pk.14.
I was, however, the head junior Bhakti archipelago where I work is ready to support even deign to attend to learn about the protection for the teaching profession. Pk. 10:30 after no sms to all HP colleagues and the media advocacy rights of the definitions of education, I have been ready to fax a letter from kodel to invite the media in writing. Pk.11.30 several successful media difax, Mr. Iwan school teacher was transferred 9 Bandung. Pak arrived at the home Suparman Kodel pk.11.45 from SMAN 17 Jakarta, place to work. After preparing the materials, we go Komnasham. Before I go Suparman call Ombudsman Commission to receive complaints Pak Iwan.
In fact, there have been Boy Fredo, a friend from Garut, founder of MTs and vocational agriculture Sururon. Pak Suparman find a copy of the officer while waiting jovit Pak ready to receive us. Esther Kompas Warta Kota Intan and the present simultaneously followed by Robert S. representing the LBH Jakarta. Pak Iwan somewhat hampered because the roads forget. Pk. 13:30 audiensi starts. Present at the meeting is Mr. Nicholas, Pasundan Bandung teachers, school teachers 9 Bandung, Pak Suparman, Kepsek junior Bhakti Nusantara, I, Esther, Intan, journalists KBR 68H, Supriyono SGJ 2 other journalists, Mr. Dali LKBH PGRI, Mr. Amir-LAP , Laksono LBH-Education, Tetty-FGII, Mother Isneti-Labschool former teacher, and Mr. jovit period.
Pak jovit committed to setting up a panel of teachers, assistants, office related to equate perceptions about alleged human rights violations in the case of Mr. Iwan. friends KAMG through Resita, is not prepared to jointly strengthen protection for the teaching profession associated with the UN policy. Commitment komnasham greeted enthusiastically, especially to ensure batalnya decision that the mayor of Bandung menjatuhnkan sanctions disciplinary sanctions are to Mr. Iwan. Prof.. Dr. Winarno call Pak Suparman to convey support for the advocacy cases Pak Iwan, he also provides a special time to meet Mr. Iwan et al is your new event in Bandung. Darmaningtyas answer my sms with the encouragement to continue the struggle until I get justice here.
From the National Commission on Human Rights to go to our Ombudsman to maladministrasi report suspected in the decision. There we received by Rachel Oki and Pak Dominikus. All the attachment file complaints were in accordance with the letter of complaint formulated in the Ombudsman Commission jl. Adityawarman, Block M. Pk. 17:30 Sir Nicholas back to Bandung, et al.
Pak Suparman and I plan to discuss follow-up to this advocacy. There are problems the e-book, the PP Funding, and the process of appeal against the decision to win the Citizen Law Suit claim in the case of UN 2006. Need to search a red thread to all these issues can be. Pak Suparman proposal is fair discussion about education for all citizens. How, according to friends of teachers?
Read More..
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
DPP FGII's statement
Legality professional organizations FGII
Stop unfair treatment ON TEACHER
ON throwing form of disciplinary sanctions Medium
NAME OF BROTHER Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd.
Teachers Class of 9 Bandung (DPP Secretary-General FGII)
1. Based on the decision of the mayor of Bandung Tax 862/Kep.611-Peg/2007 has dijatuhi disciplinary punishment is a delay preferment During 1 Year on behalf of Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. NIP. 131560504 rank Builder Group Room IV / a high school teacher in the form of Bandung State 9;
2. The decision after reading the letter from the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung;
3. The results of the above stated that Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. the act has been spreading the news does not form based, the leakage has occurred since the first day of the National High School Exam / MA / SMK Year 2006/2007 implemented causing concern among students;
4. That the act is stated as a violation of Article 2 letter b, c, f and I Jo Article 3 letter g Government Regulation No.. 30 1980 Discipline Regulations of the Civil Service.
On the basis of the decision we assess:
1. That because the decision was based only on consideration of unilateral namely on the basis of checks carried out by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of National Education and the RI receipt of the decision to discipline them brother penalty Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. have never even acknowledge examined by the government Bandung, the decision can cause unfair treatment of Mr Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. carried out by the bureaucracy of government the city of Bandung. This unfair treatment can result in violations of Article 39 of Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, which states that teachers get the legal protection against acts of violence, threats, discriminatory treatment, intimidation, or unfair treatment from the students, parents, students , The community, bureaucracy, or any other party. Unfair treatment of teachers can be penalized in accordance with Article 79 of Law Teachers and Lecturers.
2. That the examination conducted by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia has been felt by Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. as a form of intimidation, and even threatened sanctions imposed suspension of the administrative form of preferment for one (1) year so automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. report to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on 23 May 2007 and then followed up by the National Commission on Human Rights by sending a letter of recommendation Tax: 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 dated 6 June 2007 to the Minister of the Republic of Indonesia to take steps - concrete steps so that the rights automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. as the complainants are protected and fulfilled if the facts of the complaint is true then there have been reasonably suspected violations of Human Rights as stipulated in Article 29 and Article 38 of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights.
3. That the law stated that Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. has the form of the act is not based on the distribution of news, the leakage has occurred since the first day of the National High School Exam / MA / SMK year 2006/2007 studies conducted causing concern among students is the consideration that still need to be proven correct, good things associated with the assessment that the dissemination of news is not fundamental and assessment that the news has been causing concern among students.
4. That because of legal considerations that form the basis of dropping to discipline Mr. Iwan Hermawan S. Pd, is still to be proven, the alleged violation of Article 2 b, c, f and I jo Article 3 letter g PP 30 1980 Regulation on Civil Service Discipline, which is intended to automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. is not based on accusations.
So we deliver with this attitude:
1. Memrotes rejected the sanctions and disciplinary penalties are throwing a delay preferment 1 (one) year to Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. by the Mayor of Bandung;
2. Demanding the government to the city of Bandung to cancel the sanctions;
3. Demand that the good name of Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd.;
4. Demand that the city government of Bandung to always uphold the honor and dignity the teaching profession;
5. Stop unfair treatment to teachers because it will violate Article 39 and Article 79 of Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and Article 2 of the letters p and q and Article 3, paragraph (1) letter b, g and a PP number 30 of 1990 on Strict regulations civil servants;
6. Demand for the government to remove the policy as the National Examination determines the rights and restore the assessment of learning outcomes of students to teachers in a comprehensive and determination of the rights of graduation to the Education Unit accredited.
Such statements attitudes Center Chairperson of the Board of the Independent Teachers Federation of Indonesia (FGII DPP).
Jakarta, July 29 2008
General Chairman
Drs. Suparman Read More..
Stop unfair treatment ON TEACHER
ON throwing form of disciplinary sanctions Medium
NAME OF BROTHER Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd.
Teachers Class of 9 Bandung (DPP Secretary-General FGII)
1. Based on the decision of the mayor of Bandung Tax 862/Kep.611-Peg/2007 has dijatuhi disciplinary punishment is a delay preferment During 1 Year on behalf of Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. NIP. 131560504 rank Builder Group Room IV / a high school teacher in the form of Bandung State 9;
2. The decision after reading the letter from the Minister of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung;
3. The results of the above stated that Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. the act has been spreading the news does not form based, the leakage has occurred since the first day of the National High School Exam / MA / SMK Year 2006/2007 implemented causing concern among students;
4. That the act is stated as a violation of Article 2 letter b, c, f and I Jo Article 3 letter g Government Regulation No.. 30 1980 Discipline Regulations of the Civil Service.
On the basis of the decision we assess:
1. That because the decision was based only on consideration of unilateral namely on the basis of checks carried out by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of National Education and the RI receipt of the decision to discipline them brother penalty Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. have never even acknowledge examined by the government Bandung, the decision can cause unfair treatment of Mr Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. carried out by the bureaucracy of government the city of Bandung. This unfair treatment can result in violations of Article 39 of Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, which states that teachers get the legal protection against acts of violence, threats, discriminatory treatment, intimidation, or unfair treatment from the students, parents, students , The community, bureaucracy, or any other party. Unfair treatment of teachers can be penalized in accordance with Article 79 of Law Teachers and Lecturers.
2. That the examination conducted by the Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Indonesia has been felt by Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. as a form of intimidation, and even threatened sanctions imposed suspension of the administrative form of preferment for one (1) year so automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. report to the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) on 23 May 2007 and then followed up by the National Commission on Human Rights by sending a letter of recommendation Tax: 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 dated 6 June 2007 to the Minister of the Republic of Indonesia to take steps - concrete steps so that the rights automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. as the complainants are protected and fulfilled if the facts of the complaint is true then there have been reasonably suspected violations of Human Rights as stipulated in Article 29 and Article 38 of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights.
3. That the law stated that Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. has the form of the act is not based on the distribution of news, the leakage has occurred since the first day of the National High School Exam / MA / SMK year 2006/2007 studies conducted causing concern among students is the consideration that still need to be proven correct, good things associated with the assessment that the dissemination of news is not fundamental and assessment that the news has been causing concern among students.
4. That because of legal considerations that form the basis of dropping to discipline Mr. Iwan Hermawan S. Pd, is still to be proven, the alleged violation of Article 2 b, c, f and I jo Article 3 letter g PP 30 1980 Regulation on Civil Service Discipline, which is intended to automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. is not based on accusations.
So we deliver with this attitude:
1. Memrotes rejected the sanctions and disciplinary penalties are throwing a delay preferment 1 (one) year to Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. by the Mayor of Bandung;
2. Demanding the government to the city of Bandung to cancel the sanctions;
3. Demand that the good name of Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd.;
4. Demand that the city government of Bandung to always uphold the honor and dignity the teaching profession;
5. Stop unfair treatment to teachers because it will violate Article 39 and Article 79 of Law No. 14 of 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and Article 2 of the letters p and q and Article 3, paragraph (1) letter b, g and a PP number 30 of 1990 on Strict regulations civil servants;
6. Demand for the government to remove the policy as the National Examination determines the rights and restore the assessment of learning outcomes of students to teachers in a comprehensive and determination of the rights of graduation to the Education Unit accredited.
Such statements attitudes Center Chairperson of the Board of the Independent Teachers Federation of Indonesia (FGII DPP).
Jakarta, July 29 2008
General Chairman
Drs. Suparman Read More..
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DPP FGII's Journal
Monday, July 28, 2008
Sanctions for teachers victim UN
Letter for Municipal Bandung
Based on the decision of the mayor of Bandung Tax 862/kep.611-peg/2007, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd NIP 131 560 504 builder-grade class room IV / teacher coach a high school State 9 Bandung imposed discipline penalties are increased rank the form of delays during the 1 (one) year.
Giving the sanctions be on the "accusations" against Mr Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, has stated that the news spread that is not based on leaks since the first day of the National High School Exam / CMS / MA lesson years 2006-2007 causing concern among the students. The act stated above violate Article 2 letter b, c, f and l jo Article 3 letter G PP 30 1980 rules of discipline Civil Service.
According to our view:
1. That government intervention in determining the graduation of students because of UN policies and UASBN have their pedagogical rights of teachers and compromising the rights of children. A number of citizens to push the government to revise the regulation no. 19 years old, 2005 on National Education Standards, which become a source of controversy policy UN / UASBN not be ignored. Article about the government's authority to evaluate students' results in the form of UN and UASBN reap various controversies including the distribution of key answers that made misleading as various print and electronic media.
2. Various efforts to monitor the implementation of the UN by various professional organizations including the government not be used as input to improve the quality of education. But observers assessed the parties violate the norms of law and code of ethics officer
3. In Bandung, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, SPd is one of civil servants, teachers assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Education to Bandung to monitor the implementation of UN in 2007, appeared to intimidation, and even recommended by the minister to apply sanctions. Even based on the number of Komnas HAM 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 on 6 June 2008 to the minister, when the fact is correct, then reasonably suspected of human rights violations have occurred. Even the minister has been asked to take steps to clear the rights of Mr Iwan Hermawan protected and fulfilled. Education is not a recommendation to the National Commission on Human Rights when 341/RHS/MPN/2007 Tax Letter dated 18 June 2007 to the city government of Bandung
4. Based on the findings and results of the study answers key UN outstanding among the students automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. about to give a warning to the UN not to believe, because the results of studies are misleading as the key fed by the Pikiran Rakyat, 19 April 2007 and the Republika April 19, 2007).
5. Provision of sanctions against Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, is a clear violation of human rights and that the action pembungkaman not only critical voice against the teachers but also against activists Bandung education and other areas in Indonesia.
6. Furthermore the sanctions to automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd procedures violate the sanctions discipline civil servants. Violations of the disciplinary sanctions announced in the morning rally disciplinary National Day on Thursday July 14, 2008 at the Bandung city hall page). Mr Iwan Hermawan, Spd know of any sanctions against himself head of the school that follow the ceremony. Giving dispilin sanctions should be closed (Article 14 point 4 of Regulation PP 30/1980 discipline civil servants).
7. Provision of sanctions is to give a negative impact on the individuals and groups concerned with the education efforts critical to improve the national education system to comply with the mandate of the constitution the national unity.
So with this attitude we stated:
1. REJECT the sanctions to Mr Iwan Hermawan, SPd.
2. Demanding the government to the city of Bandung to cancel the sanctions
3. Demand to remove the government policy as the National Examination determines
4. Urged the government to open space to all parties to make efforts critical to the improvement of national education.
Bandung, 29 July 2008
Zamzam (08996933876)
secretary KPKB
Note; Lets send letter of protest an individual organs to the municipal government of Bandung. We continue to advocate complete Read More..
Based on the decision of the mayor of Bandung Tax 862/kep.611-peg/2007, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd NIP 131 560 504 builder-grade class room IV / teacher coach a high school State 9 Bandung imposed discipline penalties are increased rank the form of delays during the 1 (one) year.
Giving the sanctions be on the "accusations" against Mr Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, has stated that the news spread that is not based on leaks since the first day of the National High School Exam / CMS / MA lesson years 2006-2007 causing concern among the students. The act stated above violate Article 2 letter b, c, f and l jo Article 3 letter G PP 30 1980 rules of discipline Civil Service.
According to our view:
1. That government intervention in determining the graduation of students because of UN policies and UASBN have their pedagogical rights of teachers and compromising the rights of children. A number of citizens to push the government to revise the regulation no. 19 years old, 2005 on National Education Standards, which become a source of controversy policy UN / UASBN not be ignored. Article about the government's authority to evaluate students' results in the form of UN and UASBN reap various controversies including the distribution of key answers that made misleading as various print and electronic media.
2. Various efforts to monitor the implementation of the UN by various professional organizations including the government not be used as input to improve the quality of education. But observers assessed the parties violate the norms of law and code of ethics officer
3. In Bandung, Sdr.Iwan Hermawan, SPd is one of civil servants, teachers assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Education to Bandung to monitor the implementation of UN in 2007, appeared to intimidation, and even recommended by the minister to apply sanctions. Even based on the number of Komnas HAM 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 on 6 June 2008 to the minister, when the fact is correct, then reasonably suspected of human rights violations have occurred. Even the minister has been asked to take steps to clear the rights of Mr Iwan Hermawan protected and fulfilled. Education is not a recommendation to the National Commission on Human Rights when 341/RHS/MPN/2007 Tax Letter dated 18 June 2007 to the city government of Bandung
4. Based on the findings and results of the study answers key UN outstanding among the students automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. about to give a warning to the UN not to believe, because the results of studies are misleading as the key fed by the Pikiran Rakyat, 19 April 2007 and the Republika April 19, 2007).
5. Provision of sanctions against Mr. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd, is a clear violation of human rights and that the action pembungkaman not only critical voice against the teachers but also against activists Bandung education and other areas in Indonesia.
6. Furthermore the sanctions to automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd procedures violate the sanctions discipline civil servants. Violations of the disciplinary sanctions announced in the morning rally disciplinary National Day on Thursday July 14, 2008 at the Bandung city hall page). Mr Iwan Hermawan, Spd know of any sanctions against himself head of the school that follow the ceremony. Giving dispilin sanctions should be closed (Article 14 point 4 of Regulation PP 30/1980 discipline civil servants).
7. Provision of sanctions is to give a negative impact on the individuals and groups concerned with the education efforts critical to improve the national education system to comply with the mandate of the constitution the national unity.
So with this attitude we stated:
1. REJECT the sanctions to Mr Iwan Hermawan, SPd.
2. Demanding the government to the city of Bandung to cancel the sanctions
3. Demand to remove the government policy as the National Examination determines
4. Urged the government to open space to all parties to make efforts critical to the improvement of national education.
Bandung, 29 July 2008
Zamzam (08996933876)
secretary KPKB
Note; Lets send letter of protest an individual organs to the municipal government of Bandung. We continue to advocate complete Read More..
Label: foto, video
DPP FGII's Journal
Saturday, July 26, 2008
indeed tragic fate of our teachers
Early morning, Mr. Iwan Hermawan, Secretary General of FGII send sms, that the morning rally on 24 July 2008 Bandung, local administration officials to 26 civil servants affected by sanctions of various reasons. Through telephones, Mr. Nicholas explained that the information obtained from head of Bandung SMAN 9 who attended the rally in the morning. Pak confirmation to the provincial secretary and Kepegawaian Head of the Bandung municipal government immediately sent via SMS. Head of personnel pk.14.00 willing to be contacted after the meeting.
In the travel kuhubungi Komnas HAM Jayadi staff and the National Commission on Human Rights received complaints that Mr. Iwan on 23 May 2007 and together with representatives of the Community Water Eye Teachers. File complaints and follow up the National Commission on Human Rights be started. There is a fun letter from the National Commission on Human Rights in regard to these complaints. In the journey to Gambir station, the children were asked to find the letter at home.
DPP Chairman of the General FGII it is to buy 3 tickets for our new Parahyangan and treasurer FGII. Until pk.13.30 Laili not up to the station. Finally, the board decided Laili XTrans hp. 15.00. In travel, telephones, the BBC interviewed a subject for the e-book and confirm with the Head of the Bandung municipal government Kepegawaian ended with a long telephone from ybs explain things to sit Decision Mayor of Bandung. Apparently suspected we care. Decision of Tax Bandung Mayor: 862/Kep.611-Peg/2007 about dropping the form of disciplinary sanctions Medium DURING SUSPENSION preferment 1 (ONE (YEAR OF THE NAME BROTHER Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd NIP 131 560 504 builder-grade class IV / a builder TEACHER CITY STATE 9 high school band, based on the results of inspections after the read:
1. Education Letter No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK Bandung
2. Letter Head Bawasda Bandung Tax 800/526-Bawasda August 2 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung
After the interview via telephone with the BBC, have returned to Jakarta boarding the bus Xtrans hp. 20:30. Arriving at the house, immediately Joto Letter from the National Commission on Human Rights. On 6 June 2007, the National Commission on Human Rights in suratnya number 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 subject of intimidation associated with the implementation of the National Examination school year 2006/2007 states that .... in Bandung, for example, automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Education to Bandung to the implementation of UN observation at the high school / MA / CMS as the city of Bandung, appeared to intimidation, and even imposed sanctions administration beru [a [enundaan preferment for one (1) year. One of the parties is suspected of doing this is the Inspectorate Jederal Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. In addition, dozens of teachers in the province of North Sumatra also have almost the same thing, even some of them were dismissed from their positions.
When the facts of the above is correct, then there have been reasonably suspected violations of Human Rights as stipulated in Article 29 and Article 38 of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights. Because of that, through this letter the National Commission on Human Rights to ask the minister to take steps so-langkahnyata rights of the complainant to the above protected and fulfilled. Ketidaksungguhan the minister responded this problem can result in terlanggarnya rights of the complainant for the second time. For that, Komnas HAM await a response from the minister at the latest 30 (thirty) days from the date of this letter.
25 July 2007 the Government of Bandung in the number 800/2029-Peg About Application follow-up examination is intended to head Bawasda Bandung-based Education letter No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination leakage SMA / SMK Bandung ... based on the authority Bawasda apply these cases can be followed up.
This means 12 days after the National Commission of Human Rights submitted to the minister, had recommended to the Government of Bandung to impose sanctions to Mr. Iwan without considering allegations of human rights violations, such as that presented in the Letter of the National Commission on Human Rights. Until diumumkannya Pak Iwan as one of 26 civil servants are penalized, I hope it asserts that Bawasda never check ybs Irjen such as the Ministry of National Education. This means that the head of Bandung Bawasda Tax 800/526-Bawasda August 2 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung without inspection.
Lets show solidarity with the teachers with the caveat hard on the sentencing of discipline to strengthen the allegations of violations of human rights, especially the rights of workers the teaching profession, which is protected by law. Awaited attendance friends on Monday, 28 July 2008 Pk.10.00 in Bandung Balaikota
Salam solidarity
Yanti Sriyulianti
Deputy Secretary General of FGII Read More..
In the travel kuhubungi Komnas HAM Jayadi staff and the National Commission on Human Rights received complaints that Mr. Iwan on 23 May 2007 and together with representatives of the Community Water Eye Teachers. File complaints and follow up the National Commission on Human Rights be started. There is a fun letter from the National Commission on Human Rights in regard to these complaints. In the journey to Gambir station, the children were asked to find the letter at home.
DPP Chairman of the General FGII it is to buy 3 tickets for our new Parahyangan and treasurer FGII. Until pk.13.30 Laili not up to the station. Finally, the board decided Laili XTrans hp. 15.00. In travel, telephones, the BBC interviewed a subject for the e-book and confirm with the Head of the Bandung municipal government Kepegawaian ended with a long telephone from ybs explain things to sit Decision Mayor of Bandung. Apparently suspected we care. Decision of Tax Bandung Mayor: 862/Kep.611-Peg/2007 about dropping the form of disciplinary sanctions Medium DURING SUSPENSION preferment 1 (ONE (YEAR OF THE NAME BROTHER Iwan Hermawan, S. Pd NIP 131 560 504 builder-grade class IV / a builder TEACHER CITY STATE 9 high school band, based on the results of inspections after the read:
1. Education Letter No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK Bandung
2. Letter Head Bawasda Bandung Tax 800/526-Bawasda August 2 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung
After the interview via telephone with the BBC, have returned to Jakarta boarding the bus Xtrans hp. 20:30. Arriving at the house, immediately Joto Letter from the National Commission on Human Rights. On 6 June 2007, the National Commission on Human Rights in suratnya number 180/Rek/S-Ekosob/VI/07 subject of intimidation associated with the implementation of the National Examination school year 2006/2007 states that .... in Bandung, for example, automatically. Iwan Hermawan, S.Pd. assigned by the Chairman of the Board of Education to Bandung to the implementation of UN observation at the high school / MA / CMS as the city of Bandung, appeared to intimidation, and even imposed sanctions administration beru [a [enundaan preferment for one (1) year. One of the parties is suspected of doing this is the Inspectorate Jederal Ministry of National Education of Indonesia. In addition, dozens of teachers in the province of North Sumatra also have almost the same thing, even some of them were dismissed from their positions.
When the facts of the above is correct, then there have been reasonably suspected violations of Human Rights as stipulated in Article 29 and Article 38 of Law No. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights. Because of that, through this letter the National Commission on Human Rights to ask the minister to take steps so-langkahnyata rights of the complainant to the above protected and fulfilled. Ketidaksungguhan the minister responded this problem can result in terlanggarnya rights of the complainant for the second time. For that, Komnas HAM await a response from the minister at the latest 30 (thirty) days from the date of this letter.
25 July 2007 the Government of Bandung in the number 800/2029-Peg About Application follow-up examination is intended to head Bawasda Bandung-based Education letter No. 341/RHS/MPN/2007 date of 18 June 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination leakage SMA / SMK Bandung ... based on the authority Bawasda apply these cases can be followed up.
This means 12 days after the National Commission of Human Rights submitted to the minister, had recommended to the Government of Bandung to impose sanctions to Mr. Iwan without considering allegations of human rights violations, such as that presented in the Letter of the National Commission on Human Rights. Until diumumkannya Pak Iwan as one of 26 civil servants are penalized, I hope it asserts that Bawasda never check ybs Irjen such as the Ministry of National Education. This means that the head of Bandung Bawasda Tax 800/526-Bawasda August 2 2007 on follow-up results of the Special Inspection on suspicion National Level Examination Leakage SMA / SMK in Bandung without inspection.
Lets show solidarity with the teachers with the caveat hard on the sentencing of discipline to strengthen the allegations of violations of human rights, especially the rights of workers the teaching profession, which is protected by law. Awaited attendance friends on Monday, 28 July 2008 Pk.10.00 in Bandung Balaikota
Salam solidarity
Yanti Sriyulianti
Deputy Secretary General of FGII Read More..
Label: foto, video
DPP FGII's Journal
Friday, July 25, 2008
Solidarity forever
Teachers in Indonesia,
Association in professional organizations are our rights and obligations as teachers. Rights and obligations in the Law No. 14 of 2005 Teachers and Lecturers this has not enjoyed by teachers throughout the country. There are still many teachers who seek protection for their rights as workers profession. Protection for workers the teaching profession is the duty and authority of the main professional organizations of teachers. Federation of Independent Teachers Indonesia abbreviated FGII that is now called the Federation is open for all the teachers rally organisasi-orgasnisasi/forum-forum teachers in the open, indpenden, kolegial, and non-party pilitik and voluntarily comply with AR / ART and the principles of the Federation. Let's build solidarity workers teachers and other educators and the public pelanan workers in Indonesia and around the world for the best interests of the children of the nation!
What, who, and how the Federation works to provide protection for teachers in the Federation, please contact
Wisma Kodel lt.11 Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B4
South Jakarta 12920 Phone / fax: 021-5222318/5221457
website:, Read More..
Association in professional organizations are our rights and obligations as teachers. Rights and obligations in the Law No. 14 of 2005 Teachers and Lecturers this has not enjoyed by teachers throughout the country. There are still many teachers who seek protection for their rights as workers profession. Protection for workers the teaching profession is the duty and authority of the main professional organizations of teachers. Federation of Independent Teachers Indonesia abbreviated FGII that is now called the Federation is open for all the teachers rally organisasi-orgasnisasi/forum-forum teachers in the open, indpenden, kolegial, and non-party pilitik and voluntarily comply with AR / ART and the principles of the Federation. Let's build solidarity workers teachers and other educators and the public pelanan workers in Indonesia and around the world for the best interests of the children of the nation!
What, who, and how the Federation works to provide protection for teachers in the Federation, please contact
Wisma Kodel lt.11 Jl.H.R. Rasuna Said Kav B4
South Jakarta 12920 Phone / fax: 021-5222318/5221457
website:, Read More..
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